You do so much outdoors in your front yard or backyard; making that space private and appealing is crucial. Fencing is one of the best ideas for backyard landscaping. Backyard privacy fences therefore entail a small price of denying an ecological niche to bugs, animals, and people who have nothing better to do than snoop.
Here are some backyard privacy fence ideas to make you have the freedom to step out exactly how you woke up.
Privacy Fence Ideas
1) Wood Privacy Fence
Fence panels made of wood help in turning your fencing ideas and goals into a reality. There are numerous forms that you can try with wood to make your fence both useful and decorative at the same time. Besides, having a wooden fence will only complement the natural surroundings of your home irrespective of whether you reside in a residential neighborhood or deep in the forested area.
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Here are some fences you can pull off with wood to create your desired privacy fence.
a) Vertical Wood Fence Panels
This comes down to your personal design preference. Wood is going to look good regardless of how you lay them. Your privacy fence style is not only meant to deter the prying eyes but to inspire them to try out your design.
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For your vertical wooden privacy fence, you must use wood panels whose height covers the eyesight line. You can give the ground slight clearance to keep the wood from rotting in the long run. To stay aesthetically pleasing, the wood fence panels must be neatly and equally sized.
b) Horizontal Privacy Fence
When using wood as your preferred fencing materials, you are in luck because you can lay them however you want and keep the aesthetics in check. Getting long planks will make your work easier and neater. If the wood fence style is horizontal, you can still achieve a tall privacy fence with a unique design.
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While the horizontal privacy fence sounds attractive, wait till you try out the diagonal design.
c) Diagonal Wood Fence
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Wood is quite easy to work with because you can cut it into different angles and shapes all on your own. The diagonal shape is appealing, especially if you arrange the fence neatly. A diagonal wood fence is easily one of the most attractive privacy fence ideas to try out.
2) Bamboo Fence
The next thing that people may think of regarding wooden fence styles is bamboo. Bamboo is found in nature hence it will mix well with the environment out there or even around your house. In addition, bamboo is strong and will last longer than most materials you can find.
The biggest reason why you would consider bamboo is the price. Bamboos are cheaper and can easily be obtained compared to the other fence design materials. This kind of fence design will not let you down and will give your house the face lift it needs depending on the type of house you have.
3) White Picket Fence Design
Picket fence design is possibly the most common of all privacy fence ideas that people can consider implementing in their homes. This is the fence that is depicted in most of the movies and this probably makes it the most popular privacy fence idea.
Despite the fact that most picket fences are strictly used to mark boundaries, the fences can be utilized for security purposes. The only thing you need to do to the fence is to make it higher, and that is it. You can go with the traditional white design for which the fence is famous.
The picket fence does not need to have pointed tips, as is the case, but you can add the tips for aesthetics. The fence will look good with any house design and is already in the back of everyone's mind as the neighborhood fence.
4)Corrugated Metal Fence
The corrugated metal fence is one of the best choices you could opt for if you have a limited budget. Privacy fence is cheaper than the wooden fence and will therefore not cost you much to maintain. In addition, the fence has a solid design that will eliminate any peeping holes for any weird person who might want to do so.
Grey metal corrugated fence in front of a residential building. Texture of profiled metal.
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Corrugated metal privacy fence materials are easy to install and take less time than other fences like the bamboo fence. With this type of fencing, you are getting complete privacy.
5) Stone Fence
Stone Fence If you own a commercial property, this is your fence. This type of privacy fence idea might take longer to build and require more manpower. However, once you build the fence, you can forget about it. The privacy fence provides privacy and security simultaneously.
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The best thing about stone fence ideas is how easy it is to combine them with other privacy fence ideas. You can combine the stone and wooden fence to create a pleasing design unique to your style. The fence works with a picket fence, bamboo fence ideas, and even a corrugated metal privacy fence.
The stone fence can create a perfect foundation to have your wooden fence to prevent them from the rot that comes with having wood installed straight into the ground.
6) Steel Fence
What type of fence does the white house have? You got it. These fences are quite effective in excluding miscellaneous subjects from the area. The steel fence provides seclusion and safety to the house and can be easily combined with other concepts like the natural fence. Steel fence looks quite exquisite while providing a clear separation between privacy and an element of secrecy.
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The steel fence is a neat fence idea that you can go for. The fence looks good if you combine it with outdoor furniture and plants, as it creates the idea of openness rather than making you feel claustrophobic.
7) Vinyl Privacy Fences
Vinyl will probably last you the longest of all the fences we mentioned above. This is because the material used to make vinyl is weatherproof and does not need much maintenance compared to wood slats or metal that is prone to rust or the elements.
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Vinyl fence ideas are endless because vinyl can be manufactured and molded into any shape of choice. This gives you many options when making a privacy fence purchase.
If you think long-term, the vinyl privacy fence is the way to go.
8) Chain Link Fence
Privacy fences do not only mean complete non-see-through fences. The chain link fence is the best way to keep off any intruders, especially stray pets. These fence ideas are great for public spaces like schools or basketball courts. If your children like spending time outdoors and playing in the yard, then these fences will suit you.
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The chain link fence is slightly challenging to install but it is not very hard to obtain. Once you get the chain link fence, it will last you decades, and it does not require frequent upkeep, which is a plus if you are considering the fence in the long haul.
9) Living Wall
If you want to save money, the living wall projects itself, and you only have to keep it in control. The privacy barrier you will need is a living wall, a beautiful idea to keep your home private and good-looking.
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The living wall can work well with other privacy fence ideas. If you combine the living privacy fence and wood or metal, it will still look natural. Plants can blend in with anything as long as it is well maintained. This kind of fence is the best complement to the house's exterior.
10) Shadow Box Fence
One of the best fence ideas is the shadow box fence. The shadow box is still made of wood and falls in the wooden fence category. However, this fence idea is too good and needs to have its section. Nevertheless, the fence looks good, and the effort pays off.
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The shadow box fence will be a lot of fun to put together, and a few DIY projects are as fun as putting together a shadow box fence.
The shadow box fence makes it easier to make a living wall and fence combination because the spaces in between make it exciting for plants to grow through.
11) Pallet Fence
Pallet fences are some of the best privacy fence ideas that you can try out. Pallets are easy to work with and are one of the most used materials for DIY furniture and projects. In addition, pallets allow in light, especially when plants are on the other end of the fence.
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Pallets are easy to come across and are more welcoming to the eye when used in the outdoor space. As a privacy fence, you are getting the chance to fill the spaces with wood or any material you would love to use. Pallets are canvases for DIYers.
Pallets look good when painted and when not painted. There are a million designs to try out with pallets.
12) Slat Fence
Slats have pallets vibes and are easy to work with and design. They bring the curb appeal to life and compliment your home nicely. The horizontal privacy fence balances everything because most things in the home project upwards. The horizontal slat fence brings balance to the environment, from the trees to doors, plants, windows, and so on.
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It is for you to decide the spacing between the slats as a privacy wall. You might want to go with the spaced slats in case the vines begin growing, and they need more sunshine. Horizontal wood looks intriguing to the eye that is used to wood going upwards.
There are more fence ideas that we could talk about. For example, suppose you decide to go with the gabion fence or use metal posts. In that case, you have to look at the available materials, what goes into caring for the fence to maintain the visual interest, where to get pressure-treated wood, and more.
Here are things to consider when planning to build a fence.
Before Putting Up a Fence...
a) Neighbors (Talk to them or Don’t)
You may have the best fence ideas, but your neighbors will see the fence. It is not up to them whether you can put up a fence or not, but you need to consider that they will see the fence. If you put up an eyesore, they will have to deal with it, and if your fence looks great, then the kids will have a backdrop to take pictures.
Your neighbors can help you with designs, especially if they already have fences. Uniformity works well sometimes.
The fence might make some of your neighbors feel cut off. If that is your intention, put up the biggest and baddest fence in the neighborhood.
b) County or State Codes
Every state has a building and landscaping code to which you may need to pay attention. Visit the right offices and ask around to know what needs to happen before putting up a fence.
Will your fence stand in the way of an emergency? Is your fence blocking visibility on a turn in your neighborhood road? The color you will have might be problematic. The height matters, and there are some heights you can not exceed. Pay attention to these.
Before digging for foundations, you may not know what pipeline or gas is running on the ground. Involve the right authorities.
c) Cost
Either you have a fence, or you do not. A halfway-built fence is not the best looking. But, on the other hand, you do not want your house to look ridiculous in the neighborhood.
Do your research and know what materials you need and how much they will cost.
d) Double Sided or Not
Imagine putting up a privacy fence, and it is facing the wrong direction. That will not only be a waste of energy, but it could be frustrating. Getting a double-sided privacy fence looks good both from your patio and the road.
When you approach your home, you need to get a welcoming feel. The construction around your home needs to be aligned with good energies.
Final Take
Privacy fence/gate ideas are the easiest things to get. Starting to build is all you need to do. Just start. Once you get your privacy, the possibilities of the things you can do are endless from that point.